Acer Aspire AO756-877BC - Just Php12,990

While many argue over that the desktop is not dying in defense of their preferred platform, there are benefits to be reap as desktop sales go down: Lower prices. The Acer Aspire A0O756 is all about keeping sales up as Acer transitions its production to include tablets.

Acer's lastest Aspire One cuts it specs to the bone to keep priced down. It does not come with Windows and does not have USB 3.0. It comes with a modest 1.4 GHz Celeron processor, 2 GB of RAM and a 320 GB hard drive. That is actually better than it sounds. Those new generation of Celerons are pretty fast, and 2 GB of RAM can run Windows 8 well enough if you decide to replace the installed Linpus Linux operating system (but really I would recommend Ubuntu with a Gnome or LXDE desktop instead). By doing all this, Acer has been able to give you a decent 11.6-inch HD (768 x 1366) laptop, which is just over an inch thick, and just 3 pounds in weight, for just Php12,990.