Day 1 with the HTC Desire HD

I decided to take the plunge and picked up a HTC Desire HD. Many things told me I should not buy this phone. It is more than I really need, based on all reviews it runs out of juice really fast, but after looking a more reasonable options, this monster SnapDroid was just to hard to resist. I am not going to try to review this phone. I has been done before, and I don't have the know how to really conduct a good review. 

If you are looking for a HTC Desire HD review here are some good ones: - HTC Desire HD Review
Phone Arena - HTC Desire HD Review

Battery life. If you have read all those reviews, your biggest concern will be battery life. Well, it does not disappoint. As the reviews stated, battery life is not it strongest selling point.

I unplugged the Desire HD from the charger at 5:40 A.M. this morning, with Google Sync set to sync email, calendar and contacts, Twitter is set to update every four hours, and news and weather every six. Set to always be on, either connected via WiFi or 3G (in the absence of a WiFi connection), it got me to 9:25 P.M., at which time it was down to 15% and plugged it to the wall.

After unplugging the phone I went over to the Android Market and installed  a Twitter update, ClicktheCity (a local app which gives you movie and TV schedules, events and the like), Yahoo Messenger and Google Goggles. Throughout the day, four phone calls, maybe about 15 minutes. Am not big on SMS, but today was heavy, received more than 30 texts and sent out 30 responses. Received seven emails and replied to two. Browsed the web for a few minutes, and spend some time customizing the UI. Tried out Google Maps and GPS. Put a slate wallpaper to try to save on battery. A bit less than 16 hours ate 85% of my battery life.  

I am not disappointed, I got this phone expecting to have to charge it every day. And like I said, it does not disappoint. 
On the one hand, this is a completely impractical phone. It has a screen so big that I can understand why it sucks juice so fast. It has an OS with so many cool battery draining widgets. Despite all this, all I can say I love the HTC Desire HD. After a day with the 4.3-inch screen, there is no going back.