Google's Android Dominates US and European Markets

A Kantar Worldpanel ComTech study of the market share or mobile operating systems in seven countries reveals that Android is now the dominant mobile operating system in several countries. The study covers Australia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, United States and Spain. The data gathered was for the period of April to June 2012.

Google's Android market share is highest in Spain, where it has corned 84.1% of the market, followed by Germany where it has a 68.5% of the market. Among the seven countries studied, Android lowest market share was in Italy, where Android garnered 49.6% of the market. Android was the dominant operating system in all the seven countries studied. The situation is similar in the Philippines, where an April 2012 study shows that Android captured 82.2% of the local market.

Apple's highest penetration in the seven countries studied is in the United States where it has a 37.4% market share, followed by Australia where iOS has 30.5% of the market. Apple iOS is weakest in Spain where it only has 3.2% of the market. Notably, the market share of Apple's iOS declined in 2012, compared to the same period in 2011 in five of the seven countries.

RIM's fortunes are not looking too good, only capturing a double digit market share in Great Britain at 10.6%, with its lowest market share being in Australia were it accounts for 0.1% of the market.

Microsoft Windows Phone 7, has 5.4% of the market in Germany and 4.8% of the market in Australia. Lowest penetration for Windows Phone 7 is in Spain where is has 1.7% of the market.